Institutional Investor Brokerage
In 2021, ELEVATION embarked on a transformative journey by leveraging the unique combination of our CEO's institutional finance background and our team's real-time real estate investing acumen. This strategic alignment paved the way for the establishment of a new division that would redefine the landscape of real estate investment in metro Denver.
Client Success Story
Our pivotal moment came when we collaborated with a major institutional client, guiding them through the successful acquisition of over 285 Single Family Rental (SFR) properties across metro Denver in just 18 months. What set us apart was not just our financial insight but our comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics of real estate negotiations and the best practices in rental property rehabilitation.
Negotiation Mastery
Our expertise in negotiations proved to be a game-changer. Despite facing higher offers from competitors with less experienced agents, we consistently secured hundreds of homes for our clients. The ELEVATION team of agents swiftly became the go-to investor/broker partner, outperforming in 15+ markets nationwide. Our success was underlined by one of the highest offer-to-contract ratios and the lowest termination rates for our esteemed institutional client.
Evolution and Expansion
Leaning into two of our core values: Organized Systems & Passion for Continuous Improvement’ we expanded our team with successful agents, and created comprehensive training systems to extend our capabilities to handle the dispositions side of institutional and hedge fund SFRs in 2023 and 2024. Our in-house experts, including analysts, sales management, transaction management, and project management teams, now cater to all our clients' needs within the state of Colorado.
Strategic Partnerships and Future Outlook
Our strategic partnership with eXp Realty and other investor alliances has positioned us for further expansion. Capitalizing on our success, we are poised to enter new markets, meeting the growing demands of institutional, hedge fund, and VC investors. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with a forward-looking approach, sets the stage for a promising future in the dynamic world of institutional investing.
In summary, our journey exemplifies how a fusion of financial acumen, real estate expertise, and strategic partnerships can revolutionize the industry, making us a trusted partner for institutional clients seeking unparalleled success in their real estate investments.